Wren & Wolf

Wren & Wolf Café and Retail is Tasmanian Support Collective’s accessible café and retail space in Huonville.

Tasmanian Support Collective created and designed the Wren & Wolf Café and Retail space with Universal Design concepts. The space utilises an accessible ramp, accessible bathroom and the coffee bar has been designed at three tiered levels for accessibility requirements to prepare, make and serve coffee with the coffee machine also being engineered for universal use.

Wren and Wolf workplace learning is a 12 week program for NDIS participants. It is a full-time program run from 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday or part time equivalent. The program combines real world on the job experience with study support.

Wren & Wolf staff will work with NDIS Participants to build a workplace learning plan and to identify individual workplace learning goals. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • Prepare for the workforce

  • Build confidence

  • Develop industry skills

  • Work ethics and behaviour at work

  • Travel training

  • Build social and communication skills

Wren & Wolf represents Tasmanian Support Collective’s vision for real employment options and a real space for people to live life their way.

Want to work and learn with us? Complete our Request for Workplace Learning form and we will be in touch.

Why the name - Wren & Wolf?

The animal energy of the Fairy Wren is particularly helpful for people looking for work or for a change in work – the Fairy Wren teaches us how to canvas different work environments and not settle for the first one we see.

The animal energy of the Irish Wolfhound represents nobility and integrity, and fosters strength, loyalty and intelligence.

Together, the Wren & Wolf symbolises the magic that happens when individuals have choice and autonomy over how they work, where they work, and are well supported in the process.

Wren & Wolf

Shop 5, 195 Main Street
Huonville, TAS 7109


0414 817 845
